July 28: Notable Births, with Quotes
Explore memorable and revealing quotes from public figures, past and present, who were born on July 28.
Hugo Chavez, former president of Venezuela (July 28, 1954–March 5, 2013)
“The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads.” —Hugo Chavez
Chavez, Hugo. “Document #23: “Address to the United Nations,” Hugo Chávez (2006).” Brown University Library, 2006, https://library.brown.edu/create/modernlatinamerica/chapters/chapter-8-venezuela/primary-documents-with-accompanying-discussion-questions/document-21-address-to-the-united-nations-by-hugo-chavez-2006/.
“What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?” —Hugo Chavez
Chavez, Hugo. “Document #23: “Address to the United Nations,” Hugo Chávez (2006).” Brown University Library, 2006, https://library.brown.edu/create/modernlatinamerica/chapters/chapter-8-venezuela/primary-documents-with-accompanying-discussion-questions/document-21-address-to-the-united-nations-by-hugo-chavez-2006/.
Marcel Duchamp, painter and sculptor (July 28, 1887–October 2, 1968)
“Cinema never interested me as an artist. That little film called Anemic Cinema is the only one I ever made. I was interested in films as a means to express dimension. As in the spinning roto-relief discs I experimented on with Man Ray in my studio in New York and in his studio in Paris.” —Marcel Duchamp
Editors of ARTnews. “From the Archives: An Interview with Marcel Duchamp, From 1968.” ARTnews, January 18, 2019, https://www.artnews.com/art-news/retrospective/archives-interview-marcel-duchamp-1968-11708/.
“My hand became my enemy in 1912. I wanted to get away from the palette. This chapter of my life was over and immediately I thought of inventing a new way to go about painting. That came with ‘The Large Glass.’” —Marcel Duchamp
Editors of ARTnews. “From the Archives: An Interview with Marcel Duchamp, From 1968.” ARTnews, January 18, 2019, https://www.artnews.com/art-news/retrospective/archives-interview-marcel-duchamp-1968-11708/.
Beatrix Potter, writer and illustrator (July 28, 1866–December 22, 1943)
“Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were—Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter.” —Beatrix Potter
Potter, Beatrix. “The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” Project Gutenberg, September 8, 2021, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/14838/14838-h/14838-h.htm.
“It was an old, old house, full of cupboards and passages. Some of the walls were four feet thick, and there used to be queer noises inside them, as if there might be a little secret staircase. Certainly there were odd little jagged doorways in the wainscot, and things disappeared at night—especially cheese and bacon.” —Beatrix Potter
Potter, Beatrix. “The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Tale of Samuel Whiskers.” Project Gutenberg, April 6, 2005, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/15575/15575-h/15575-h.htm.
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