Alan Shepard Quotes

It’s been a great part of my life, to be involved in the space program. Even before that, as a Navy test pilot, I had some really exciting, satisfying jobs. But I guess I would have to say that it has been a distinct pleasure to be involved in the space program—specifically in being allowed […]

Let me say that while I was head of the Astronaut Office I was responsible for the care and feeding of very enthusiastic, very intelligent, very dedicated, and a motivated bunch of guys. And there were jealousies in the ranks, people being jealous of so-and-so particularly being chosen for a flight or for a backup […]

So far I’m the only person to have hit a golf ball on the Moon. Probably will be for some time. And being a golfer, I was intrigued before the flight by the fact that a ball with the same club head speed will go six times as far.

Now planet Earth is only four times as large as the Moon, so you can really still put your thumb and your forefinger around it at that distance. So it makes it look beautiful; it makes it look lonely; it makes it look fragile. You think to yourself, just imagine that millions of people are […]

In the early days we really had what we called “part-task trainers” instead of simulators. Something was built to indicate the control system; something else was built to indicate the radio systems or some of the instruments. And they were all sort of separated, not the great, glorious simulators which we have today.