Archibald MacLeish Quotes

The young dead soldiers do not speak. Nevertheless, they are heard in the still houses: who has not heard them? They have a silence that speaks for them at night and when the clock counts. They say: We were young. We have died. Remember us. They say: We have done what we could but until […]

A poem should not mean, But be.

The perversion of the mind is only possible when those who should be heard in its defense are silent.

And here face down beneath the sun And here upon earth’s noonward height To feel the always coming on The always rising of the night: To feel creep up the curving east The earthy chill of dusk and slow Upon those under lands the vast And ever climbing shadow grow… And Baghdad darken and the […]

Freedom is the right to one’s dignity as a man.

There are those, I know, who will reply that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is. It is the American Dream.