Bjork Quotes

First you create this universe with sound, then it becomes real and you move into it.

I’m not really an urban person. I love visiting cities and going clubbing or seeing a gallery or concert, but then I just want to go home. I’m more of a rural person by nature.

Gen Z-ers are really radical, and I’m relieved that the environment is a priority for them – I’m up for it! When I read the news, most of it won’t matter in 20 years. The only thing that really matters is how we deal with the environment.

I’m not really a jam person – my family and I mostly do the hand-to-mouth method. The moss around the lava all around Reykjavík is covered in berries. People just sort of sit on the ground and pick them straight into their mouths. It has the most vitamins to do it straight. Just like breastmilk, […]