Bradley Cooper Quotes

Love equals discipline. If I love something, I can have the discipline. I have a crazy work ethic.

I find that there’s two different types of actors. There’s an actor that has already made all the decisions. I’m not that guy.

I wanted to be a conductor since I was a kid. I was obsessed with it, asked Santa Claus for a baton when I was 8.

“Nightmare Alley” was an interesting example of how insecure I am. I was like, “Oh, I guess I still am the guy that wants to be in the group,” because I had no intention of acting in anything other than I’ve been writing.

With “American Sniper,” I got the book and I put the work in, asked Clint Eastwood to direct it; we spent the time and got the script right and took it from the beginning of an idea all the way to the end.