Cole Porter Quotes

I’ve had a taste of society And society has had a taste of me.

My sole inspiration is a telephone call from a producer.

Experiment! Be curious, though interfering friends may frown. Get furious at each attempt to hold you down. If this advice you’ll only employ, The future can offer you infinite joy And merriment. Experiment! And you’ll see.

Some get a kick from cocaine I know that if I took even one sniff That would bore me terrif- ically, too, But I get a kick out of you.

In olden days a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking, But now, God knows, Anything Goes.

Never, never be an artist If you think you can make one cent; Never, never be an artist If there’s no one to pay your rent; Never, never be an artist If you like roast beef called “prime;” Never, never be an artist – Unless – You want to have a marvelous time.