Donald Rumsfeld Quotes

I picked up a newspaper today and I couldn’t believe it. I read eight headlines that talked about chaos, violence, unrest. And it just was Henny Penny – ‘The sky is falling’. I’ve never seen anything like it! (Looting in Iraq)

Big categories were exempted – people that were in college, people that were teaching, people that were married. It varied from time to time, but there were all kinds of exemptions. And what was left was sucked into the intake, trained for a period of months, and then went out, adding no value, no advantage, […]

If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.

Congress, the press, and the bureaucracy too often focus on how much money or effort is spent, rather than whether the money or effort actually achieves the announced goal.

Throughout the history of this country there have been incidents where military situations have existed that have led governments to talk to members of the media and make an editorial request of them that they delay for some period disclosing some piece of information, it is not against our history, it is not against our […]