James A. Garfield Quotes

If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old.

Territory is but the body of a nation. The people who inhabit its hills and valleys are its soul, its spirit, its life.

Things don’t turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.

Ideas control the world.

The divorce between church and state ought to be absolute. It ought to be absolute. It ought to be so absolute that no church property anywhere, in any state, or in any nation, should be exempt from taxation, for if you exempt the church property of any church organization, to that extent you impose tax […]

I have seen the sea lashed into fury and tossed into spray, and its grandeur moves the soul of the dullest man; but I remember that it is not the billows, but the calm level of the sea from which all heights and depths are measured.

The people of this country have shown by the highest proofs human nature can give that whatever the path of duty and honor may lead, however steep and rugged it may be, they are ready to walk in it.