Walter Bagehot Quotes

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Business is really more agreeable than pleasure; it interests the whole mind, the aggregate nature of man, more continuously, and more deeply. But it does not look as if it did.

You may talk of the tyranny of Nero and Tiberius; but the real tyranny is the tyranny of your next-door neighbor.

One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything.

Strong beliefs win strong men, and then make them stronger.

So long as there are earnest believers in the world, they will always wish to punish opinions, even if their judgment tells them it is unwise and their conscience that it is wrong.

The reason that there are so few good books written is that so few people who write know anything.

The greatest mistake is trying to be more agreeable than you can be.