England Quotes

I think major tournaments test you the most in terms of the high pressure. Playing for England is always high pressure but in a major tournament there’s always that added incentive.

When I first got to America in the 60s… two things happened. First of all, I very much admired the cross-the-aisle friendships and thought we don’t have that in England. We have real battles between the Tories and the Labour, but in America there seems to be these — and this was destroyed by Newt […]

No man had once a greater veneration for Englishmen than I entertained. They were dear to me as branches of the same parental trunk, and partakers of the same religion and laws; I still view with respect the remains of the Constitution as I would a lifeless body which had once been animated by a […]

Let us sing our own treasures, Old England’s good cheer, To the profits and pleasures of stout British beer; Your wine tippling, dram sipping fellows retreat, But your beer drinking Britons can never be beat. The French with their vineyards and meager pale ale, They drink from the squeezing of half ripe fruit; But we, […]