Enjoyment Quotes

I always think it is the simple things in life that bring us the most joy: Playing together, chatting to your friends at school, eating meals together, and listening to each other’s stories.

An aspiring actor really needs to know that they want to live an actor’s life. I feel like that about any job. You need to continue to believe in it even when those around you don’t, because otherwise you won’t enjoy it.

Whether you are talking about education, career or service, you are talking about life … and life really must have joy. It’s supposed to be fun!

The great majority of human beings have to work the greater part of the day, and then amuse themselves afterwards— if they are not too tired. But the lucky few derive their keenest interest and enjoyment not from any contrast between business and idle hours—but from the work itself.

One of the greatest joys known to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge.

To hope is to enjoy.

This is my “depressed stance.” When you’re depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you’ll start to feel better. If you’re going to get any joy out of being depressed, you’ve got to stand like this.