First Ladies Quotes

Where flowers bloom so does hope.

Mrs. Kennedy’s dress was stained with blood. One leg was almost entirely covered with it and her right glove was caked, it was caked with blood – her husband’s blood. Somehow that was the one of the most poignant sights – that immaculate woman, exquisitely dressed, and caked in blood.

It’s odd the little things that come to your mind at times of utmost stress, the flashes of deep compassion you feel for people who are really not at the center of the tragedy.

Malia is the movie savant. She’s very clear. Although we all don’t like the same movies. She and Barack like dark and sad. And Sasha and I, we want a little laughter and frivolity.

Bruce Springsteen is one of my favorite people, not just because of his music, but he’s one of the few men that I know who has really done the work of self-reflection. And he’s willing to share.