Girls Quotes

It’s very special having a new little girl… I feel very, very lucky that George has got a little sister. The Queen was really thrilled that it was a little girl, and I think as soon as we came back here to Kensington she was one of our first visitors here.

At the time I was coming up, there were girls doing sport, but it wasn’t as prevalent as it is today. The view was always that maybe you should go and cook—and that’s probably why I never learnt to cook.

I never really thought of myself as a physical comedian. But when I was a kid I used to, you know, pretend to trip over things to make girls laugh in school and stuff like that. So I kind of learned how to fall without hurting yourself.

When I was a little girl, there really weren’t a lot of women role models. Maybe Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth, but not very many. I had to seek that out.