Interviews Quotes

Professionally, I dabbled in various topics and formats my first decade as a writer by necessity to pay the bills. Luckily, I fell in love with historical research and writing right around the time I realized I was a terrible reporter because I don’t like to pry.

A good question can open up doors in my mind that I would never think of discussing with anybody.

I’ve made two documentaries and I used to shoot the backstage interviews of Coachella. I’ve always loved interviewing people; it’s kind of my hobby. So, it made total sense to do a podcast.

The weirdest thing is how nothing ever goes away once it’s on the internet. Every interview I did when I was 15 is still out there, and I think about it constantly.

A presidential election is the world’s most important job interview.

When I wrote to Mr. Winston Churchill asking for an appointment to interview him he replied: “I would very much rather not; but if you wish it I cannot refuse you.” When I met him in his library he explained more fully in words: “I hate being interviewed, and I have refused altogether to allow […]

When I do interviews, I like to be in people’s faces. I hate Zoom meetings. They’re just so weird.