London Quotes

It’s very special having a new little girl… I feel very, very lucky that George has got a little sister. The Queen was really thrilled that it was a little girl, and I think as soon as we came back here to Kensington she was one of our first visitors here.

I try to lead a normal life. For example, I still take the tube. It sounds so silly, but I literally don’t think there’s a better way to get around London.

Nursing is become a profession. Trained Nursing no longer an object but a fact. But, oh, if home Nursing could become an everyday fact here in this big city of London, the biggest in the world, in an island the smallest inhabited island in the world.

Airplane food isn’t in a great state; so many of the airlines serve heavy, stodgy meals. Last year we opened a restaurant at Heathrow’s Terminal 5, where we offer these amazing picnics to take onboard. They’re light, easy to carry, and most importantly, absolutely delicious.