Piloting - Pilots Quotes

It’s been a great part of my life, to be involved in the space program. Even before that, as a Navy test pilot, I had some really exciting, satisfying jobs. But I guess I would have to say that it has been a distinct pleasure to be involved in the space program—specifically in being allowed […]

Let me say that while I was head of the Astronaut Office I was responsible for the care and feeding of very enthusiastic, very intelligent, very dedicated, and a motivated bunch of guys. And there were jealousies in the ranks, people being jealous of so-and-so particularly being chosen for a flight or for a backup […]

In the early days we really had what we called “part-task trainers” instead of simulators. Something was built to indicate the control system; something else was built to indicate the radio systems or some of the instruments. And they were all sort of separated, not the great, glorious simulators which we have today.