Plays Quotes

It is a wise father that knows his own child. (“The Merchant of Venice”)

I wanted to be a playwright, and wrote a play called “Martin Luther.” The trouble was that no one in my family talked. Eugene O’Neill’s family suffered, but they talked. That effort was hopeless from the start.

I did promise my mother, at some point before I die, I told her that I would go and do a play. So I’m gonna deliver on that promise at some point.

I have been devoured all my life by an incurable and burning impatience: and to this day find all oratory, biography, operas, films, plays, books, and persons too long.

I would the gods had nothing else to do but to confirm my curses. (“Coriolanus”)

Whenever I hear the word “culture,” I reach for my gun. (“Schlageter”)

From distant climes o’er widespread seas we come. Though not with much eclat or beat of drum, True patriots all; for be it understood. We left our country for our country’s good. (“Our Country’s Good”)

I come fairly to kill him honestly. (“The Little French Lawyer”)