Publicity Quotes

It’s like the bigger the star, the bigger the target. You know when you’re—and I’m not being a braggadocio or anything like that—but you know you’re on top when they start throwing arrows at you. Even Jesus was crucified.

I’ve never made a penny out of publicity. The couture business spent a fortune on maintaining publicity, which is more than nonsense, it’s an absurdity, since extravagance damages character.

There’s no handbook for fame. There’s no handbook for being splashed on the cover of People magazine when you didn’t want to be there, or being on the cover of the Enquirer, you know, all these magazines, and being talked about here and there, speculated, you know, ‘Who’s he? What’s he doing here? What’s he […]

Say anything you like about me, but spell my name right.

Let me tell you about Florida politicians. I make them out of whole cloth, just like a tailor makes a suit. I get their name in the newspaper. I get them some publicity and get them on the ballot. Then after the election, we count the votes. And if they don’t turn out right, we […]