Restaurants Quotes

My wife doesn’t cook, so we eat out every night. It’s not fine dining or anything — we’re not fancy people. Last night, we went to Johnny Rockets.

Airplane food isn’t in a great state; so many of the airlines serve heavy, stodgy meals. Last year we opened a restaurant at Heathrow’s Terminal 5, where we offer these amazing picnics to take onboard. They’re light, easy to carry, and most importantly, absolutely delicious.

In the U.K., if guests don’t have a good meal they often won’t complain, but you can guarantee you won’t see them again. Americans are far more likely to voice their complaints.

It’s not just about clothes; it’s how you live. It’s like with my restaurants. I didn’t know they were going to be successful. I just had a feeling for what I wanted. It’s the same as the clothes. It feels the same. Now, you got to keep it going, you got to keep the food […]

Another lost nation; another new restaurant.