Sexuality Quotes

I don’t hate myself anymore. I used to hate my work, hated that sexy image, hated those pictures of me on stage, hated that big raunchy person. On stage, I’m acting the whole time I’m there. As soon as I get out of those songs, I’m Tina again.

I don’t think the new female rappers really understand who I am. A lot of the girls that came before me, they really were those sexual beings, and I was so inspired by them. But I’m not like that, I’m more the goofy girl.

People might not get this from me, but I was never trying to be sexy, I always was laughing.

In the early 90s I was getting flak – particularly from the British comics press – for not being political enough. People were doing political comics about how Margaret Thatcher was a bad person, and I was talking about diversity of race and gender and sexuality. When I was asked about it in interviews I […]

I’m very aware of my own privilege as a heterosexual white male whose parents were able to pay for a private education for me. I’ve always felt a sense of responsibility to give back and to call things out if I see an abuse of power.

It would encourage clear thinking on these matters if persons were not characterized as heterosexual or homosexual, but as individuals who have had certain amounts of heterosexual experience or homosexual experience. Instead of using these terms as substantives which stand for persons, or even as adjectives to describe persons, they may be better be used […]

Logic and a sense of justice tell me that there is more love in electricity and steam than there is in chastity and abstention from eating meat.