Video Games Quotes

If it is true that software sells hardware, it is truer than ever that franchises sell software. While our industry has made hit games with names like Superman and James Bond and NFL Football, I think we should be proud that our best games are those whose heroes and world we invented ourselves.

Of course, it is valuable to devise an offshoot of a current idea. But it is invaluable to come up with a brand new idea of what a game can be.

I remember the first videogame I ever played. It was Pong – and I loved it!

I got older I began to realize the things that I was doing in my life at that point as I was older — things like swimming or sports or when I got a dog — that these were experiences that I could take and apply the mechanics and the system of a video game […]

My vision of Mario has always been that he’s sort of representative of everyone. He’s kind of a blue-collar hero.

I think that Mario became so popular because the actions in the Mario game are something that are innate to humans everywhere. Everyone is afraid of falling from a great height. If there is a gap that you have to cross, everyone is going to try to run to jump across the gap. These are […]

The gameplay of Mario games originated early on with Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong was a game where you were running on platforms and jumping over things — that came to be called a “platformer” style of video game.