Daniel Webster Quotes

A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures.

The world is governed more by appearance than realities so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it.

Keep cool; anger is not an argument.

What can we do with the western coast, a coast of 3,000 miles, rockbound cheerless, uninviting, and not a harbor on it? What use have we for such a country? I will never vote one cent from the public treasury to place the Pacific Ocean one inch nearer Boston than it is now.

Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. And, by the blessing of God, may that country itself become a vast and splendid monument, not of oppression and terror, but of wisdom, of peace, and of liberty, upon which the world may gaze with admiration forever.

I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.

When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.