Edwin Hubbell Chapin Quotes

Poetry is the utterance of deep and heart-felt truth – the true poet is very near the oracle.

Neutral men are devil’s allies.

Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it foregoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury.

Ostentation is the signal flag of hypocrisy.

Pride is the master sin of the devil, and the devil is the father of lies.

Neutral men are the devil’s allies.

The downright fanatic is nearer to the heart of things than the cool and slippery disputant.

Bigotry dwarfs the soul by shutting out the truth.

The bosom can ache beneath diamond brooches; and many a blithe heart dances under coarse wool.

The brightest crowns that are worn in heaven have been tried, and smelted, and polished, and glorified through the furnace of tribulation.