I value little my own opinions but I value just as little those of others.
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Quotes
There never were, in the world, two opinions alike, no more than two hairs, or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity.
Nature should have been pleased to have made this age miserable, without making it also ridiculous.
He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.
Necessity reconciles and brings men together; and this accidental connection afterwards forms itself into laws.
Miracles arise from our ignorance of nature, not from nature itself.
Let us permit nature to have her way; she understands her business better than we do.
The fantasies of music are governed by art, mine by chance.
There is nothing more notable in Socrates than that he found time, when he was an old man, to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent.
Alcibiades was a man who well understood good living: he specifically banished music from his table so that it should not interfere with the conversation, justifying this with the reason which Plato ascribes to him, that it is the practice of commonplace men to invite musicians and singers to their feasts since they lack that […]