The Bible Quotes

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter. (Isaiah 53:5-7)

Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. (John 10:16)

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city. (Proverbs 16:32)

Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared. (Proverbs 22:24-25)

Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. (Ephesians 4:26)

What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet. (Hebrews 2:6-8)

The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge. (Ezekiel 17:2)

Again I saw something meaningless under the sun: There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. “For whom am I toiling,” he asked, “and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?” This too is meaningless […]

I have been a stranger in a strange land. (Exodus 2:22)

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an […]