Abuse Quotes

I have had great responsibilities in the Catholic Church. All the greater is my pain for the abuses and the errors that occurred in those different places during the time of my mandate.

His Honor was of the opinion that the defendant had a right to whip his wife with a switch no larger than his thumb, and that upon the facts found in the special verdict he was not guilty in law.

The society that kneels before the commercial altar of childhood in the adorable forms of Strawberry Shortcake, Peter Pan, and Annie is the same society that murders its children, rapes them, starves them, poisons them, and hates them to death.

I never yet heard man or woman much abused that I was not inclined to think the better of them, and to transfer the suspicion or dislike to the one who found pleasure in pointing out the defects of another.

There are none more abusive to others than they that lie most open to it themselves; but the humor goes round, and he that laughs at me today will have somebody to laugh at him tomorrow.

If it is abuse, why one is always sure to hear of it from one damned good-natured friend or anoth.

The antiquity of an abuse is no justification for its continuance.

Be not hasty to cast off every aspersion that is cast on you. Let them alone for a while, and then, like mud on your clothes, they will rub off of themselves.

The abuse of a thing is no argument against the use of it.

Abuse is the weapon of the vulgar.