Acting - Actors Quotes

It’s a weird dichotomy. So many of us are shy, and then we end up becoming actors. We’re shy exhibitionists.

A good actor must never be in love with anyone but himself.

When you perform… you are out of yourself – larger and more potent, more beautiful. You are for minutes heroic. This is power. This is glory on earth. And it is yours nightly.

To respect one’s work and to do it well – to risk something in life was more important than being a star. To never sell your soul, to have self-esteem, to be true, was most important of all.

What does an actor do if he can’t talk? He has to wait for silent pictures to return.

For an actress to be a success she must have the face of Venus, the brains of Minerva, the grace of Terpsichore, the memory of Macaulay, the figure of Juno, and the hide of a rhinoceros.

Everyone knows that people outside show business have show business fantasies-to be an actor, write a script, direct. What most people don’t know is that people in show business have retail fantasies – a little restaurant, maybe a ball team. I want a bookstore.

That fellow is the world’s greatest actor. He can do with no effort what the rest of us spent years trying to learn; to be perfectly natural.

Remember that you are an actor in a play, which is as the playwright wants it to be: short if he wants it short, long if he wants it long. If he wants you to play a beggar, play even this part skillfully, or a cripple, or a public official, or a private citizen. What […]

It was only one of those plays in which the actors, unfortunately, enunciated very clearly.