Affection Quotes

I was a hugger. I’ve always been a hugger. I didn’t realize that is really jarring for a lot of Brits. I guess I started to understand very quickly that the formality on the outside carried through on the inside, that there is a forward-facing way of being, and then you close the door and […]

With the qualities of cleanliness, affection, patience, dignity, and courage that cats have, how many of us, I ask you, would be capable of becoming cats?

The affections are like lightning: you cannot tell where they will strike till they have fallen.

There is in life no blessing like affection; it soothes, it hallows, elevates, subdues, and bringeth down to earth its native heaven: life has nought else that may supply its place.

Most people would rather get than give affection.

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.

While your friend holds you affectionately by both your hands you are safe, for you can watch both of his.

Talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted.

Fickleness, n. The iterated satiety of an enterprising affection.

There are three possible parts to a date, of which at least two must be offered: entertainment, food, and affection. It is customary to begin a series of dates with a great deal of entertainment, a moderate amount of food, and the merest suggestion of affection. As the amount of affection increases, the entertainment can […]