African Americans Quotes

It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important.

(Bias against the Negro) is the worst disease from which the society of our nation suffers.

I find it strange that the most right-wing crazy loon running for president, the most right-wing crazy loon Supreme Court Justice and the most right-wing crazy loon on the radio all happen to be black. Alan Keyes, Clarence Thomas and Ken Hamblin.

I am appalled that some people feel that the civil rights struggle is over because we have a 1964 civil rights bill and a voting rights bill. Over and over again people ask, What else do you want? They feel that everything is all right. Well let them look around at our big cities.

What is ghastly and really almost hopeless in our racial situation now is that the crimes we have committed are so great and so unspeakable that the acceptance of this knowledge would lead, literally, to madness. The human being, then, in order to protect himself, closes his eyes, compulsively repeats his crimes, and enters a […]

A closed window looks down on a dirty courtyard, and Black people call across or scream across or walk across defying physics in the stream of their will. Our world is full of sound Our world is more lovely than anyone’s tho we suffer, and kill each other and sometimes fail to walk the air. […]