Arab Quotes

On Thursday afternoon, February 28th, about six hours after the U.S. declared a cease-fire, the victorious armies began to roll into Kuwait City. The Arab contingents were firing their guns in the air and the Kuwaiti Resistance fighters responded by firing their guns in the air and then the other Kuwaitis picked up all the […]

I do not find that the age or country makes the least difference; no, nor the language the actors spoke, nor the religion which they professed, whether Arab in the desert or Frenchman in the Academy. I see that sensible men and conscientious men all over the world were of one religion.

If we want to demoralize the population of Iraq and sap their will to fight, we ought to show them videotapes of the South Bronx, Detroit City and the West Side of Chicago. Take a look, you Iraqis – this is what we do to our own cities in peacetime. Just think what we’re going […]

So many women are being killed that women, until recently 51 percent of the world’s population, are no longer a majority. A 1991 U.N. publication reports that the elimination of females in places like India, Pakistan, Albania, and United Arab Emirates (48.3 women to 100 men!) offsets the female majority in developed countries to make […]

We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary (of State James) Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America. (1990)

What we want to have in existence, what we ought to have been creating in this time is some administration with Arab institutions which we can safely leave while pulling the strings ourselves; something that won’t cost very much, which the Labour government can swallow consistent with its’ principles, but under which our economic and […]

The White House is right that Iraq is by far the most repressive country in the entire Middle East – but that’s true only if you’re a man. To see how many Arab countries are in some ways even more repressive to women, consider how an invasion might play out. If American ground troops are […]

The foreigner and Christian is not a popular person in Arabia. However friendly and informal the treatment of yourself may be, remember always that your foundations are very sandy ones.

The people of England have been led in Mesopotamia into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honour. They have been tricked into it by a steady withholding of information. The Baghdad communiques are belated, insincere, incomplete. Things have been far worse than we have been told, our administration […]

What was curious was the atmosphere of the rascally Syrian town, made of Moslem scoundrels, Christian thieves, and Jew moneylenders, all of types that blanch Chicago white. Yet what bores one in Chicago, intensely amused me in Damascus. They cheated me out of my eye-lids, stole my letters, lied ten times to the word, and […]