It (the Bible) is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies.
Bible Quotes
No true bard will ever contravene the Bible. If the time ever comes when iconoclasm does its extremest in one direction against the Books of the Bible in its present form, the collection must still survive in another, and dominate just as much as hitherto, or more than hitherto, through its divine and primal poetic […]
There are no witches. The witch text remains; only the practice has changed. Hell fire is gone, but the text remains. Infant damnation is gone, but the text remains. More than two hundred death penalties are gone from the law books, but the texts that authorized them remain.
We consider the bibles and religions divine – I do not say they are not divine, I say they have all grown out of you and may grow out of you still, It is not they who give the life – it is you who give the life; Leaves are not more shed from the […]
In my schoolboy days I had no aversion to slavery. I was not aware there was anything wrong with it. No one arraigned it in my hearing; the local papers said nothing against it; the local pulpit taught us that God approved it, that it was a holy thing and that the doubter need only […]
When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it.
If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives the plough to know more of the scriptures than you do.
If he (god) is wise, why did he not compose a coherent account of what he wanted mankind to do? No, the Bible is not such an account; nobody can agree in what it says. The very god who, according to those who believe in him, made every last electron spin in its orbit everywhere […]
We bring our insights to illuminate the Bible and the more we do so, the more the text of Scripture illuminates our lives.
This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people.