Capitalism - Capitalists Quotes

The dynamics of capitalism is postponement of enjoyment to the constantly postponed future.

Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil.

Global capitalism and Marxism share a belief that it is far better to have women in the marketplace than at home. The old Marxists – Marx, Engels and the others – wanted to bring down the traditional family, and move women out of the home and into the marketplace, to make them independent of the […]

Capitalism begins with giving. Not from greed, avarice, or even self love can one expect the rewards of commerce, but from a spirit closely akin to altruism, a regard for the needs of others, a benevolent, outgoing, and courageous temper of mind.

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class.

There is always plenty of capital for those who can create practical plans for using it.

Laissez-faire, Supply-and-demand, one begins to be weary of all that. Leave all to egoism, to ravenous greed of money, of pleasure, of applause: it is the Gospel of Despair!

Why is our free-enterprise system so strong? Not because it stands still, frozen in the past, but because it has always adapted to changing realities.

And while the law (of competition) may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department.

The quest for novelty is the essence of capitalist endeavour, as it is of all human progress, and the appetite for adventure is a sharper spur than cupidity. Those who pillory capitalism for “creating artificial needs” strike me as timid and dismal souls. You might just as well denounce Monet for creating an “artificial need” […]