Careers Quotes

As long as you’ve got the passion and as long as you still love it, I think you should continue to do what your passion is with the gift that God has given you.

I always felt that I would be somebody, but it still surprises me. Like when I drive through Times Square and see my billboard. Or when I got a standing ovation on Broadway for my role in “A Raisin in the Sun.” Or when I finished the marathon. Or when I perform at Madison Square […]

At an early age, I started my own paper route. Once I saw how you could service people and do a good job and get paid for it, I just wanted to be the best I could be in whatever I did.

Modeling has been a part of my life for a really long time. There was a time when it was my highest priority and focus. I love that I’m at a place now where I can compartmentalize different aspects of my life.

When I moved to the States, in the late ’70s, it took quite a bit of time to understand American fashion. In fact, I was fired from my first job not understanding American fashion.

Every single gig I’ve ever done — which I think is represented by every brick in my house — has been important for knowing what to do at this point in my career. There isn’t a night where something doesn’t go wrong where I don’t know what to do. And I think, “Oh, I learned […]

“The Orville” is the most fun writing job I can remember in my career.

I always say I’m a woman of ambition on a mission. I’m going to go after what I want, and I believe I can get it …I’m convinced. When I think about my baby girl, this is pretty powerful. She can see me and say “I can do that.”

I think people would assume that I got everything handed to me being on a TV show, but being on a reality show, let alone a reality show girl with a sex tape, does not open doors. And so I always felt like I had to work extra hard and harder to be taken seriously […]

The most important people in my life that have shaped my life and shaped my career and helped me get to where I am today all are women.