Celebrity - Celebrities Quotes

With reality shows, and things like that on TV now, people probably feel a little more hopeful that they could make something of themselves. But at that time, 30 years ago, it was just like, “How could I possibly dare to think that I could go be a star? How could I possibly think that?”

It’s like the bigger the star, the bigger the target. You know when you’re—and I’m not being a braggadocio or anything like that—but you know you’re on top when they start throwing arrows at you. Even Jesus was crucified.

I was performing for thousands of people at night in Vegas, the rush of being a performer, the laughter, the respect… I was a machine.

I’m trying to be the anti-celebrity.

Do I care that some guy sitting home, or some woman, saying, ‘I don’t care what investigators say, I still believe he’s a pedophile’? It’s as meaningful as a person sitting home saying, ‘I believe him, and he’s a wonderful person, and he’s gotten a raw deal.’ That and 15 cents gets me on the […]

Today there are no huge stars like Elvis Presley. As big as Bruce Springsteen is, not everybody is a Springsteen fan. In Presley’s time you didn’t dare not to be a fan of his, because you were part of a club. Now you can say I prefer Billy Joel or Tina Turner, or someone else. […]

Thank you for your support, the fans around the world. I love you with all my heart. I don’t take any of it for granted. Any of it.

I can’t go to Disneyland, as myself. I can’t go out and walk down the street. There’s crowds, and bumper to bumper cars. And so, I create my world behind my gates. Everything that I love is behind those gates. We have elephants, and giraffes, and crocodiles, and every kind of tigers and lions. And […]

It’s a ton of work to try to control the image and you can only do it so much, because people are gonna think whatever they think. But it has been so vitally important to have the image that I want, and try to be seen how I want to be seen.

I love Billie Eilish. I think she’s just the coolest. I love her, her messaging. I’d love to work with her.