Cities - City Quotes

The city man, in his neon and mazda glare, knows nothing of nature’s midnight. His electric lamps surround him with synthetic sunshine. They push back the dark. They defend him from the realities of the age-old night.

All cities are mad: but the madness is gallant. All cities are beautiful: but the beauty is grim.

I loathe the squares and streets, And the faces that one meets.

In our large cities, the population is godless, materialized – no bond, no fellow feeling, no enthusiasm. These are not men, but hungers, thirsts, fevers and appetites walking.

The big cities of America are becoming Third World countries.

Between about 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. the life of the city is civil. Occasionally the lone footsteps of someone walking to or from work echo along the sidewalk. All work that has to be done at those hours is useful–in bakeries, for example. Even the newspaper presses stop turning forests into lies. Now and […]

The city is a circus of the senses.

The truest wild beasts live in the most populous places.

I didn’t say I wouldn’t go into ghetto areas. I’ve been in many of them and to some extent I would have to say this: If you’ve seen one city slum you’ve seen them all.

The great big city’s a wonderous toy just made for a girl and boy.