Citizen Quotes

If the press is not free, if speech is not independent and untrammeled, if the mind is shackled or made impotent through fear, it makes no difference under what form of government you live, you are a subject and not a citizen.

Citizenship comes first today in our crowded world… No man can enjoy the privileges of education and thereafter with a clear conscience break his contract with society. To respect that contract is to be mature, to strengthen it is to be a good citizen, to do more than your share under it is noble.

If you will help run our government in the American way, then there will never be danger of our government running America in the wrong way.

The humblest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause is stronger than all the hosts of error.

I am a Roman citizen.

If cats were born in an oven, would they be biscuits?