College ain’t so much where you been as how you talk when you get back.
College Quotes
“D’ye think th’ colledges has much to do with th’ progress iv the wurruld?” asked Mr. Hennessy. “D’ye think,” said Mr. Dooley, “’tis th’ mill that makes th’ water run?”
Colleges… have their indispensible office – to teach elements. But they can highly serve us when they aim not to drill, but to create; when they gather from far every ray of various genius to their hospitable halls, and by the concentrated fires, set the hearts of their youth on flame.
A knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without the Bible.
I was convinced in the early sixties that what was wanted was a liberal education to give such students the wherewithal to examine their lives and survey their potential. This was the one thing the universities were unequipped and unwilling to offer them. The students’ wandering and wayward energies finally found a political outlet. By […]
College is always a time of change, I guess, the last major convulsion of childhood, but I doubt there were ever changes of such magnitude as those faced by the students who came to their campuses in the late sixties. Most of us don’t say much about those years now, not because we don’t remember […]