Color Quotes

Everye white will have its blacke, And everye sweete its soure.

Well, you wonder why I always dress in black, Why you never see bright colors on my back, And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone. Well, there’s a reason for the things that I have on. I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down, Livin’ in the hopeless, […]

At one side of the palette there is white, at the other black; and neither is ever used neat.

Black is like a broken vessel, which is deprived of the capacity to contain anything.

I really believe that the color we use least in our metaphors is gray. In our political metaphors, we talk about the ‘greens’, we talk about the ‘brown shirts’, we talk about the ‘blacks’, the ‘reds’, we rarely talk about gray, except perhaps, when referring to old people. Yet gray in my opinion is “the” […]

To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color, is like living in Alaska and being against snow.

On our way back from one of our visits to Matisse, Pablo (Picasso) said, laughing, “Matisse has such good lungs.” I asked what he meant. ” It’s in the way he uses color,” he said. In Matisse’s work, when you find three tones that are put on close to one another – let’s say a […]

Pink is the color of romance and a friend tells me that the girl with the pink dress at the party is the one who is selected for each dance.

The soul is dyed by the color of its leisure hours.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.