Comedians Quotes

You know, most of my pictures, they go, don’t worry about it, we don’t have to write nothing, Richard will fix it.

I like performing better than anything in the world.

I have a scar on my right hand, about two inches long. Depending on how I feel I’ll either tell you I was stabbed or I punched a window or I pulled a baby from a burning building.

I’m proud of myself because I’m onto a new thing. At 65, I’m different than I was. We’re all rethinking what we said 20 years ago, 10 years ago, four years ago. I’m not even rethinking it, I just don’t have the same way of doing humor or conversation.

I am basically just a nine-year-old boy that evolved.

People say, “Out of the suffering of Jews, the need to laugh is critical for the survival of the race.” But we didn’t become comics out of misery. We became comics because there are a lot of laughs in Jewish households.

Cancer is probably the most unfunny thing in the world, but I’m a comedienne, and even cancer couldn’t stop me from seeing humor in what I went through.

I like comedy that is about me as a person who’s somewhat ridiculous going through life and whether it’s Chaplin-esque or Jacques Tati or it’s just — it’s about a person encountering – being embarrassed or humiliated or being — you know, going through life and sort of like Buster Keaton or any of those […]

I’ve devoted all of my adult life to pursuing this strange phantom intersection between smart and stupid. There’s a lot of people who believe the two cannot coexist, but god I will tell you, it is something I believe religiously, I think when smart and stupid come together… I think it’s the most beautiful thing […]

Almost every idea I have that’s fun doesn’t sound that way to an insurance adjuster or a jury.