Communism Quotes

The communists must be prepared to make every sacrifice and, if necessary, even resort to all sorts of cunning schemes and stratagems, to employ illegal methods, to evade and conceal the truth… The practical part of communist policy is to incite one (enemy) against another… We communists must use one country against another. . . […]

Communism was the notion that, if you took everything away from the people and made them go sit in Siberia, people would behave like perfect little angels. Communism was hell’s own time-out, Mom being Joseph Stalin. . . Then there was communism’s weak-tea sister, socialism. Socialists maintained that we should take all the money away […]

The economy of communism is an economy which grows in an atmosphere of misery and want.

We Communists are men on leave.

Communists worship the Devil himself. Socialists believe damnation is a good system run by bad people. And liberals want to send everyone to hell because it’s warm there in the winter.

I do not believe in Communism any more than you do but there is nothing wrong with the Communists in this country; several of the best friends I have got are Communists.

The central drama of our age is how the Western nations and the Asian peoples are to find a tolerable basis of co-existence.

Marxism is a perfect example of the chimeras that fueled the sixties. And it was probably the most potent one. Albeit, much of this Marxism would have been unrecognizable to Marx. It was Marxism watered down, Marxism spiked with LSD and Marxism adulterated with mystical food coloring. But it was Marxism nonetheless because the wildest […]

Das Kapital is the book of a man who took no part in normal German or English society, and wrote of Capitalists and Workmen like a Class War Correspondent and not like a fellow creature.

Communist, n. A person who adheres to the economic and political theories of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin. No member of the U.S. media knows any such person, nor ever has. Probably no such person ever existed. If such a person did exist, he or she was undoubtedly full of good intentions, though perhaps […]