Companion Quotes

Friendship is a creature formed for a companionship not for a herd.

Love and lordship hate companions.

‘Tis the last rose of summer Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone.

The rotten Apple spoils his Companion.

Suspicion is the companion of mean souls, and the bane of all good society.

Meetings are held because men seek companionship or, at a minimum, wish to escape the tedium of solitary duties. They yearn for the prestige which accrues to the man who presides over meetings, and this leads them to convoke assemblages over which they can preside. Finally, there is the meeting which is called not because […]

But in Marriage do thou be wise; prefer the “Person” before Money; “Vertue” before Beauty, the “Mind” before the Body: Then thou hast a “Wife,” a “Friend,” a “Companion,- a “Second Self;” one that bears an equal Share with thee in all thy Toyls and Troubles.

Never have a companion who casts you in the shade.

What men call social virtue, good fellowship, is commonly but the virtue of pigs in a litter, which lie close together to keep each other warm.