Conformity Quotes

In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary.

To rebel in season is not to rebel.

It saves trouble to be conventional, for you’re not always explaining things.

I am a believer and a conformist. Anyone can revolt; it is more difficult silently to obey our own interior promptings, and to spend our lives finding sincere and fitting means of expression for our temperaments and our gifts – if we have any.

When I am at Rome, I fast on a Saturday; when I am at Milan, I do not. Follow the custom of the church where you are.

Singularity in the right hath ruined many happy those who are convinced of the general opinion.

The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

In a world where we are forced to conform to society, it is necessary to have personal chaos.

Force, violence, pressure, or compulsion with a view to conformity, are both uncivilized and undemocratic.