Conservative Quotes

A true conservative is one who can’t see any difference between radicalism and an idea.

Conservatives are but men who have learned to love the new order forced upon them by radicals. Conservatism is a state of mind resulting from a good job.

If the basis of the conservative ideology is responsibility for ones actions, then how can they say Hollywood or the media is responsible for our actions?

Conservatism is sometimes confused with social Darwinism or other such me-first dogmas. Sometimes the confusion is deliberate. When those who are against conservative policies don’t have sufficient opposition arguments, they call the love of freedom selfish. Of course it is – in the sense that breathing’s selfish. But because you want to breathe doesn’t mean […]

Liberals are builders and conservatives are defenders. Liberals want to build a good and just society. Conservatives defend what is already built and established. This is what the left and the right are for. What draws a person to one or the other is more a matter of personality than anything else.

As the growing conservative ideology speeds us down that road of selfishness, intolerance, bigotry, and petty hatreds, the only thing the Religious Right has done about such immoral values is to raise the speed limits.

A conservative may tell you that you shouldn’t make fun of something. “You shouldn’t make fun of cripples,” he may say. And he may be right. But a liberal will tell you, “You can’t make fun of cripples.” And he’s wrong- as anybody who’s heard the one about Helen Keller falling into a well and […]

The conservative… a man who thinks nothing new ought to be adopted for the first time.

I am a bleeding-heart conservative.

Why are conservatives opposed to government funding of art, music, public broadcasting and so forth? It’s not really because of the dirty pictures. If my tax dollars are going to be spent by a nitwit in SoHo, I might as well get some smut out of it. The problem is that taxes are taken by […]