I suppose the pleasure of country life lies really in the eternally renewed evidences of the determination to live.
Countryside Quotes
My living in Yorkshire was so far out of the way, that it was eleven miles away from a lemon.
Anybody can be good in the country.
A city man is a home anywhere, for all big cities are much alike. But a country man has a place where he belongs, where he always returns, and where, when the time comes, he is willing to die.
If you would be known, and not know, vegetate in a village; if you would know, and not be known, live in a city.
It is my belief, Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys of London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.
“Youngster, let that show you what it is to be without a family, without a home, and without a country. And if you are ever tempted to say a word or to do a thing that shall put a bar between you and your family, your home, and your country, pray God in his mercy […]
Have you not learned that not stocks or bonds or stately homes or products of mill or field are our country? It is the splendid thought that is in our minds.
When I am in the country I wish to vegetate like the country.
There is nothing good to be had in the country, or, if there be, they will not let you have it.