Courtesy Quotes

Life is not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.

Courtesy is a science of the highest importance. It is… opening a door that we may derive instruction from the example of others, and at the same time enabling us to benefit them by our example, if there be anything in our character worthy of imitation.

Manners are the happy ways of doing things; each once a stroke of genius or of love, – now repeated and hardened into usage. They form at last a rich varnish, with which the routine of life is washed, and its details adorned. If they are superficial, so are the dew-drops which give such a […]

True politeness consists in being easy one’s self, and in making every one about one as easy as one can.

Too long together, and even courtesy is gone… people are more courteous to strangers than they are to their own wives and husbands!

We must be courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are willing to give the advantage of a good light.

Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest.

If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world.

We cannot live pleasantly without living wisely and nobly and righteously.

Courtesy is the one coin you can never have too much of or be stingy with.