Cry Quotes

If you don’t weep when you must, you’ll weep forever.

Men are more likely to cry as a result of positive feelings, like at sporting events, whereas women are more likely to cry as a result of negative feelings, like in personal conflicts.

Sob, heavy world Sob as you spin, Mantled in mist Remote from the happy.

Boast is always a cry of despair, except in the young it is a cry of hope.

I thought I was the only one who knew about crying. – Everyone thinks that. It’s one of those little secrets we keep from each other. Show me a serious man and I’ll show you a man who has never wept. Show me a madman and I’ll show you a man who dried his tears […]

Lady Lowborough: Helen; you’ve been weeping I see – that’s our grand resource, you know – but doesn’t it make your eyes smart? and do you always find it to answer? Helen Huntingdon: I never try for effect; nor can I conceive how anyone can.

“Repining is of no use, Ma’am,” said Ralph. “Of all fruitless errands, sending a tear to look after a day that is gone, is the most fruitless.