Dancing - Dance Quotes

Football is working class ballet.

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then shall you begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

Goldwyn: What kind of dancing does Martha Graham do? Associate: Modern dancing. Goldwyn: I don’t want her then, modern dancing is so old fashioned.

Dance is the hidden language of the soul, of the body.

Freedom to a dancer means discipline. That is what technique is for – liberation.

Nothing is more revealing than movement.

You give all your life to doing this one thing. It sounds grim, it sounds frightening – it isn’t – it has a great gaity at times and a great wonder.

To me, this acquirement of nervous, physical, and emotional concentration is the one element possessed to the highest degree by the truly great dancers of the world. Its acquirement is the result of discipline, of energy in the deep sense. That is why there are so few great dancers.

I have no desire to prove anything by dancing. I have never used it as an outlet or a means of expressing myself. I just dance. I just put my feet in the air and move them around.

Dancing? Oh, dreadful! How it was ever adopted in a civilized country I cannot find out; ’tis certainly a Barbarian exercise, and of savage origin.