Devil Quotes

It is of course always best to be led by god, and have him personally whisper into your ear. Only, when it is the devil talking he will tell you he is god, for the devil is a crafty liar. So you never know who is talking to you.

Of course I believe in the devil. If I did not, I should have to believe that I am the devil myself.

Introduction, n. A social ceremony invented by the devil for the gratification of his servants and the plaguing of his enemies.

None speak of the bravery, the might, or the intellect of Jesus; but the devil is always imagined as being of acute intellect, political cunning, and the fiercest courage.

Since all the riches of this world May be gifts from the Devil and earthly kings, I should suspect that I worshipp’d the Devil If I thank’d my God for worldly things.

The devil is evil in disguise, particularly in the guise of goodness. Angels are goodness disguised, often wrapped in brown paper bags, so to speak tremendously ordinary. One has to be particularly careful, therefore, in celebrating virtues because virtues, particularly great virtues, can veil great evil. There are terrorists for truth and God and love […]

Mr. Roper said “So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!” Thomas More replied: “Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? Mr. Roper said “I’d cut down every law in England to do that!” Thomas More replied: (Roused and excited): “Oh? And when the […]

If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.

Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst; he promises honor, and pays with disgrace; he promises pleasure, and pays with pain; he promises profit, and pays with loss; he promises life, and pays with death. But God pays as he promises; all his payments are made in pure gold.

Talk of the devil, and his horns appear.