Discussion Quotes

Seminars, n.: From “semi” and “arse”, hence, any half-assed discussion.

If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.

Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe, Sadder than owl-songs or the midnight blast, Is that portentous phrase, ‘I told you so.’

If God had have wanted discussion Then God would have said ‘Let’s discuss it’.

To discusss an opinion with a fool is like carrying a lantern before a blind man.

As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.

Today’s sensitive male has learned to share in open frank discussions about relationships like, “Where the hell did you get a crazy idea like that? You been reading Redbook again?”

The discussions of every age are filled with the issues on which its leading schools of thought differ. But the general intellectual atmosphere of the time is always determined by the views on which the opposing schools agree. They become the unspoken presuppositions of all thought, and common and unquestioningly accepted foundations on which all […]

Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking.