Draft Quotes

He who stays home when the fight begins And lets others fight for his cause should take care: He who does not take part in the battle will share in the defeat. Even avoiding battle does not avoid Battle, since not to fight for your own cause really means Fighting on behalf of your enemy’s […]

I have of late met with abundant reason, to be convinced of the impracticability of Recruiting this Army to the New establishment, in any reasonable time by voluntary Inlistments… the Exigency of our affairs calls aloud for vigorous exertions.

I had other priorities in the 60s than military service.

The French system of conscription brings together a fair sample of classes; ours is composed of the scum of the earth.

Because young men subject to the draft had provided such a reservoir of antiwar opinion during the Vietnam era, proponents (of a renewed draft) seemed to calculate that reviving the eligibility of their sons today would make almost any armed conflict politically impossible… Adding their daughters to the mixture would create even greater havoc with […]

Peacetime conscription is the greatest step toward regimentation and militarism ever undertaken by the Congress of the United States.

Pressed into service means pressed out of shape.

Hell no, we won’t go!

The draft is white people sending black people to fight yellow people to protect the country they stole from the red people. (“Hair”)

A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.